Just Do it
with Metro Alliance FC
One Club
Many Teams
Each team/every player needs both a Home and Away kit and training top, head-to-toe. A Metro Alliance FC admin will upload each team, with the coach/manager as the contact, to myUniform (a Soccer Master website). The contact person will then receive an e-mail to manage their team online. The contact is responsible for uploading the team roster, including player’s number and contact info, to the website in a timely manner. The parents will receive the link from the contact person to place uniform orders. Uniform orders need to be place by July 1st to ensure delivery by season start date.
Uniform Colors & Restrictions:
- Home Team Uniform = White
- Away Team Uniform = Red
- No coach/team/player/parent is allowed to add additional logos or sponsorship decoration to any uniform after purchase/ production from Soccer Master, with the exception to patches awarded by the national governing body of the league
- No coach, player or team is allowed to wear/ produce any non-approved, club uniforms during games
Home Kit
Away Kit
Training Top

Goalie Kit
Warm-up Tops
Logo Reproduction Policy
The Metro Alliance FC Crest
Usage of Metro Alliance FC’s logos and word marks for individual or commercial sales, individual or commercial use, individual fundraising or organizational fundraising is strictly prohibited unless otherwise expressed in writing by an authorized agent of Metro Alliance FC.
Helpful Tips
Youth/Adult Sizes
Be careful when ordering youth versus adult sizes. Double check your cart before you press buy!
Soccer Master doesn’t accept returns on logoed/numbered products. Please make sure uniforms fit before numbering!
Size Kits
Soccer master has size kits available for your team to use when trying on uniforms.
Jersey Numbering
Soccer Master and Metro Alliance FC cannot over-ride the jersey number assigned to a player. If a number is incorrect the team contact must issue the change.
All items ordered are shipped to the customer, Metro Alliance FC does not distribute any uniform orders.