Metro Alliance FC



Talk to the masses

Digital resources


Share the new Metro Alliance FC website with your players and parents. The launch date is April 5. Any websites should link out to after that date. You may use social media and email images to direct former KiXX United and Legacy players to the new website.

Email Blasts

We have provided email content for you to share with all of your players, prospects and fans. Our Word Document contains one email template and images with an announcement of the new merger.

Social media

Using your own social media platforms, post the .PNG social media and icons to promote the new Metro Alliance FC merger and share the new website

Share the news 

Print Resources

Press Release

An announcement containing language and information that anyone can use for any platform.


Print out the poster and post them around your buildings in key locations (e.g. Village Halls, Senior Centers, Libraries, etc.) throughout O’Fallon and Belleville. Share the poster with your team, parents and fans.


People are going to have questions. We’ll have the answers. Use the curated Question and Answer document to help inform your parents, players, and supporters all about Metro Alliance FC.

Contact Us